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Children's activity leader & receptionist

Children's activity leader & receptionist

As a child & youth leader, your task is to ensure that the children have a memorable experience with us at Ursand Resort & Camping! You will find many adventures together with the children in all its forms, such as football tournament, pool disco, 5-a-side, sandcastle building, crafts & much more. We target the ages 3-15 years to take extra good care of our youngest guests. This position also includes working in our reception and shop.


- June to mid-August but also weekends in February to May may occur.
- Rolling schedule with varied working hours.
- Training takes place in March-May.
- You are offered service training, CPR and fire training on site.
- Salary according to collective agreement HRF.

Previous knowledge

- Be able to master English fluently in speech and writing, other languages are meritorious.
- Experience in children and leisure activities, youth leader or similar is meritorious but not a requirement.
- You must be 18 years of age to apply as a children's activity leader as work in reception/store may occur.
- If you can play instruments or sing, this is meritorious, but not a requirement.

To apply for the position, you should:

- Love working with children.
- Be positive and responsible.
- You must be able to lead and instruct activities that are organized.
- Be resourceful, curious and creative.
- Responsible for developing exciting and fun activities that suit children/young people between 4-15 years of age.
- Keep an eye out for cleanliness and neatness at your workplace.
- Like to work at a fast pace.
- Take responsibility for being well-educated and knowledgeable about the campsite.

The position includes, among other things:

- Plan and implement activities for our children/young people at the campsite.
- Lead the children in games.
- The service also includes walking around in our moose mascot.
- Work in reception/shop may occur, see above what this means.



To apply to us, you need to send in a CV, cover letter and preferably a short film of a maximum of 1 minute about yourself where you tell us why you are the right fit for us at Ursand Resort & Camping. Mark your application with the position you are looking for and send it to us at or via the form below as soon as possible. Hiring takes place on an ongoing basis. If you have any questions, please contact us

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Ladda upp en fil som stöds (max 15MB)
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MP4, helst under 100MB

Tack! Vi återkommer inom kort.

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